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Selective Process


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Places to take the tests  

  • Manaus (Nilton Lins University), Santarém,  Belém, Boa Vista, Palmas, Macapá, Belo Horizonte. 
  • Other locations defined in the edit  

Master's degree

Entry Requirement:

1. Have proof of completion of an undergraduate course recognized by the MEC;

Submit all documentation required by the notice within the deadlines defined by the Commission.


  • Stage 1 (Test of proficiency in English, ELIMINARY in nature)

  • Stage 2 (Specific Knowledge Test in Aquaculture, ELIMINARY in nature)

  • Stage 3 (Analysis of the Lattes Curriculum, CLASSIFICATORY nature)

Doctorate degree

Entry Requirement:

1. Have completed an undergraduate and master's degree in Aquaculture or related areas;

Have at least one (1) scientific article published (author or co-author) in indexed journals, according to CAPES quality criteria;

3. Submit all required documentation within the deadlines defined by the Notice.


Doctoral selection can be carried out in two ways. The first, through a notice, occurring in three stages:

  • Stage 1 - intellectual production (Lattes curriculum analysis);

  • Stage 2 - analysis of the work plan;

  • Stage 3 - interview and defense of the work plan.

The second method of doctoral selection is through Continuous Flow, according to the current regulations (see regulations:

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