
Sanny Maria de Andrade Porto – Doctoral egress – april/2015
“In 2011 I decided to do a doctorate, however, I was looking forward to a course aimed at the productive sector, and with a different profile than my master's, which at the time had an ecological focus on my training. During this period, I was a professor at a private university, where the Postgraduate Program in Aquaculture was implemented in a broad partnership with INPA. The expectation of obtaining a qualified training that could contribute to the development of aquaculture in the Amazon region motivated me to join the course. The curriculum enabled the formation of a professional profile focused on the peculiarities of the productive sector in the State. I remember the relevance of the Rural Extension course taught by professors Eduardo Ono and Elisabeth Gusmão, which awakened me to the importance of providing qualified technical assistance and extensionism that would make our small and medium-sized producers aware of the importance of implementing good management. practices for the growth of agribusiness. The PPG AQUACULTURA made the difference in my education, adding knowledge and professional training, which made it possible to see with new eyes the various links in the fish production chain in our region. In 2015, when I defended my thesis, obtaining approval with distinction and praise, I simultaneously took a public contest for 01 vacancy as an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Amazonas, which I was approved. I am currently an undergraduate professor and permanent member of the Postgraduate Program at UFAM, I have already been the course coordinator and vice-coordinator of the postgraduate course. Today I try to multiply all the excellence knowledge acquired in the 4 years of my doctorate at PPG AQUICULTURA, which was certainly one of the great pillars that allowed me to pass the competition and provide the necessary professional training to assist in the development of technologies that will contribute to growth of agribusiness in the State of Amazonas."

Flávio Augusto Leão da Fonseca – Doctoral egress – august/2019
“I am a Biologist (UFMA) and Master (BADPI-INPA), having joined the doctorate at PPGAQUI in 2015. In my doctorate I studied the nutrition of young forms of pirarucu, and tambaqui with emphasis on the need for dietary amino acids, under the guidance of Dr. Ligia Gonçalves and co-supervision of Drs. Luís Conceição and Sofia Engrola. I held the sandwich period at the Center for Marine Sciences in Portugal (CCMAR-UAlg), participated in international symposia and collaborated with researchers from several countries with co-authorship in scientific articles. In Brazil I collaborated in the private sector with fish farmers from AM and RO. I defended my doctorate in 2019. After the doctorate I resumed my work as a professor at the Federal Institute of Amazonas – IFAM in Manaus. I started participating in postgraduate boards, including from other countries, I am co-supervising postgraduate students and coordinating a research group, extension projects and acting on the ethics committee for the use of animals. PPGAQUI allowed me theoretical and practical training opportunities with world-class professors and researchers, thus expanding my growth and professional perspectives.”

Aline Marculino de Alcântara - Doctoral egress – august/2019
"I, Aline Marculino de Alcântara, zootechnician, from the Federal University of Amazonas, master and doctorate by the Post-Graduate in Aquaculture - PPG-Aqui (NILTON LINS/INPA), act as effective teacher of basic, technical and technological education (EBTT) , in the area of Fisheries Resources, at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará, Campus Itaituba. I joined PPG-AQUI in 2010 as a Master's student, supervised by Dr. Elizabeth Gusmão, with research focused on juvenile nutrition from Arapaima gigas. Upon completion, I acted as an instructor at the Technological Education Center of Amazonas, in the Fishery Resources course in the interior of the state. In 2015, I returned to PPG-Aqui as a doctoral student, as my professional pretensions were in line with what the Program offers. On this occasion, I had the opportunity to work again with A. gigas, supervised by Dr. Ligia Gonçalves, in which we developed, together with Grupo GIGAS, specific studies for the larval stage, given the delicacy of this moment, considered the most critical of fish farming. In addition, it was possible to carry out my sandwich internship, as a CAPES scholarship holder, at the University of Porto, Portugal, which I consider the apex of the representativeness of Amazonian women working in research. Still as a doctoral student, I was invited to take the EBTT teaching position at the IFPA, at which time I got all the support from the coordination and my supervisor, in order to complete my training, in parallel with this function. Therefore, I consider the training I had at PPG-Aquaculture to be fundamental to develop and improve skills as a researcher and teacher, which allows me to coordinate research projects in the area of fisheries resources, in addition to acting as deputy leader of the “Development Research Group , Technologies, Culture and Biodiversity in the Amazon – GPDAM”, at the Itaituba-PA Campus.”